Cómo recordaréis haces meses decidimos colaborar con la asociación Bizi Bide. Hemos tenido la oportunidad de volver a contactar con Oleg Yvanischuk, socio de la Asociación BiziBide y ha compartido con nosotros las dificultades, tareas y satisfacción de conseguir llevar al destino las ayudas materiales que durante estos meses de guerra han conseguido y se han ajustado al encargo directo en Coordinación la Organización Cruz de Malta. Bizi Bide elkarteak eskerrak emateko bidali duen gutuna helarazten dizuegu.
Esta es la respuesta desde Ucrania en agradecimiento a la ayuda enviada:
To mr. Oleg Ivanyshchuk
Diputación Foral de Álava
Asociación Bizibide
IrseAraba Instituto para la inclusión social
Ateka iniciativas y Proyectos Sociales
Banco de Alimentos de Araba
Frutos de la Vega
Laboratorios Nutergia
Bizilab Investigación
Asociación Ucrania-Euskadi.
Dear Friends!
A few weeks ago, we received humanitarian aid from you! Food, Sweets,
vitamins, protein, hemostatic agents and other goods donated by you in
this difficult time for our country are extremely important, sometimes
even vitally necessary.
The sweets, fruts and basic food products donated by you were
distributed among the association of children with disabilities «Svitla
Nadiya» from among the refugees in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. 216
disabled children found shelter there.
Hemostatic agents, vitamins and proteins were handed over to emergency
medicine rescue volunteers in the Mykolayiv region (Southern Ukraine,
Yuzhnoukrainsk city). They ensure the evacuation of the wounded from the
front line. Your help will find its
Basic food products (beans, lentils, pasta, oil, chickpeas and others)
are used by the Field Kitchen of the Maltese Service in Ivano-Frankivsk,
where 950 to 1,250 internally displaced persons who were forced to leave
their places of residence receive meals daily. Thus, your products will
be enough for at least one month of cooking for these poor people.
(During the war, our city of Ivano-Fraknivsk, with a population of
200,000 people, «accepted» 60,000 refugees.)
As a result of Russian aggression against Ukraine, more than 13 million
residents lost their homes, jobs, and found themselves in search of a
safe place. Almost 7 million of them have fled to European countries, 6
million are internally displaced in Ukraine, which is already in an
extremely difficult economic situation.
After all, Russian troops are destroying civilian infrastructure,
destroying industry, and the agricultural sector is suffering terribly.
The armed forces of the aggressor are bombing elevators and reserve
warehouses, blocking Ukrainian ports, where the stock of grain, corn,
sunflower and other products, which is critically important for the
world, is stored. Genocide of Ukrainians is being committed in the
occupied territories.
We also regularly send aid to the east and south of Ukraine to cities
that are directly outside the war line. These are Mykolaiv,
Zaporizhzhia, Chernihiv, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa, Dnipro. There, this help
is also vitally necessary and there is a critical lack of it.
Attached are a few photos from our logistics center and from crisis
locations in Ukraine. Also a short video here:
On behalf of our volunteers, team and the people of Ukraine, we are
grateful for your help and look forward to future cooperation!
Kind regards
Roman Yaruchyk
Order of Malta relief service
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine